- Date of sighting. (Cannot be prior to the creation of this
- Common Name of bird species. (Example: American Robin)
- Scientific Name of bird species. (Example: Turdus migratorius)
- Approximate location where bird was observed.
Note: Many bird species are
known by more than one Common Name. For example: A
grebe is sometimes called a helldiver
and a yellow-shafted flicker is sometimes called a
yellow-hammer. It is
important that the scientific names be included on your list to remove
as to which bird species is being referenced. Most credible bird
field guides include scientific names.
Jane Doe, 77 Wistel Vista, Litchfield,
KS 66762 -- Tel: 555-555-5555 -- E-mail: None
Level being sought "Accomplished" - - -
Previous level of certification "Novice"
1. March 22, 2004 American Robin
Turdus migratorius
Lakeside Park in Pittsburg
2. March 24, 2004 Yellow-shafted flicker
Colaptes auratus
My back yard on a tree
3. April 4, 2004
Blue-winged teal
Anas discors
Field trip to Neosho WA
To download and print a one-page Word file
<BirderCertification.doc> with the above
information click here.